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Translation Work Complete for Icelandic-Finnish Dictionary

Orðaský með finnskum orðum mynda útlínur Íslands á svörtum bakgrunni.

A significant milestone has been reached in the ISLEX dictionary now that all the Icelandic words in Finnish, or about 54 thousand entries, have been translated. It has been about ten years since work on the Icelandic-Finnish dictionary commenced, although the dictionary has been available online since 2018. It is a useful resource for various user groups, including translators, journalists, Icelandic students and those involved in Nordic cooperation. According to statistics from early 2022, there were around 1200 users of ISLEX in Finland, which shows great interest among Finns in the dictionary. Marjakaisa Matthíasson and Hanna Poussu worked on the project. Project management was handled by Helga Hilmisdóttir and Sari Päivärinne, who also actively participated in the translation work and provided guidance.

ISLEX is a collaborative effort among all the Nordic countries and is led by Þórdís Úlfarsdóttir and Halldóra Jónsdóttir from the ÁrnI Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. The Finnish portion of the dictionary was created in collaboration with the University of Helsinki. The primary sponsors were the Finnish Cultural Foundation (Suomen kultuurirahasto), the Finnish Ministry of Culture and Nordplus sprog. In addition, the project has received smaller grants from Letterstedska föreningen and the Finnish-Icelandic Cultural Foundation.

The dictionary can be accessed at and