Til baka

Rannsóknarprófessor við Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum.
// Research Professor at The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies.
Fyrri störf
1996–2006 Forstöðumaður Íslenskrar málstöðvar [skipaður 2000–2006, settur 1996–1999]
// Director, The Icelandic Language Institute
1993–1996 Málfarsráðunautur Ríkisútvarpsins
// Language consultant, RÚV Icelandic State Broadcasting Service
1990–1992 Sérfræðingur á Íslenskri málstöð [staðgengill forstöðumanns 1991]
// Linguist, Icelandic Language Institute [Deputy director 1991]
1984–1990 Framhaldsskólakennari
// Upper secondary school teacher
1984-2023 Stundakennari við HÍ af og til. Yfirlit:
1984- Einkum námskeið í íslensku sem öðru máli (málnotkun og framburði).
1990- Einkum námskeið í íslenskuskor í hljóðfræði og hljóðkerfisfræði, sögulegri hljóðkerfisfræði og hagnýtri málnotkun.
2000- Einkum námskeið um málnotkun og félagsmálfræði.
// Part time university teacher, University of Iceland, on and off, as follows:
1984- Mostly courses at the programme for Icelandic as a second language (language use & pronunciation)
1990- Mostly courses at the department of Icelandic, on Icelandic phonetics and phonology, historical phonology, and applied linguistics
2000- Mostly courses at the department of Icelandic, on language use and sociolinguistics
1982-1987 Lausráðinn við ýmis málfræðistörf:
1982: Orðabók Háskólans
1983-1984: Máltölvun Baldurs Jónssonar, undirbúningur samheitaorðabókar
1987: Íslensk málstöð, undirbúningur réttritunarorðabókar
// Temporary assistant at different linguistic projects, as follows:
1982: University of Iceland Lexicography Project
1983-1984: Jónsson's Linguistic Computing Project & Dictionary of Synonyms
1987: The Icelandic Language Institute & Orthographic Dictionary
Ýmis trúnaðarstörf.
Meðal annars þessi:
2024- Í framkvæmdastjórn EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language)
2021- Annar tveggja verkefnisstjóra árlegu evrópsku verðlaunasamkeppninnar MTA (Master Thesis Awards) á vegum EFNIL
2013–2015 Formaður Íslenska málfræðifélagsins
2011–2015 Varaformaður Málnefndar um íslenskt táknmál
2008- Prófdómari í íslensku sem öðru máli við HÍ
2002- Í fjölda prófnefnda dómsmálaráðuneytis vegna löggildingar fyrir skjalaþýðendur
2000–2006 Í stjórn Nordens institut i Finland [formaður 2003–2004]
1998–2011 Norrænn ritari Íslenskrar málnefndar
1998–2006 Formaður örnefnanefndar
1995–1997 Formaður Íslenska málfræðifélagsins
// Various commissions of trust.
Among other things the following:
2021- One of two project managers of the annual European Master Thesis Awards competition, under the aegis of The European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL)
2013–2015 Chairman of the Icelandic Linguistics Society
2011–2015 Vice Chairman of the Icelandic Sign Language Council
2008- External examiner at the programme for Icelandic as a second language at University of Iceland
2002- External examiner in tests for prospective certified translators and interpreters
2000–2006 Board member at the Nordic Institute in Finland (Nifin) [Chairman 2003–2004]
1998–2011 Nordic Secretary for the Icelandic Language Council
1998–2006 Chairman of the Icelandic Place Names Council
1995–1997 Chairman of the Icelandic Linguistics Society
Gestafræðimaður við University of York 2007 og við Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2011-2012.
// Visiting researcher at the University of York, England, in 2007, and at the Humboldt University in Berlin, in 2011-2012.
// Director, The Icelandic Language Institute
1993–1996 Málfarsráðunautur Ríkisútvarpsins
// Language consultant, RÚV Icelandic State Broadcasting Service
1990–1992 Sérfræðingur á Íslenskri málstöð [staðgengill forstöðumanns 1991]
// Linguist, Icelandic Language Institute [Deputy director 1991]
1984–1990 Framhaldsskólakennari
// Upper secondary school teacher
1984-2023 Stundakennari við HÍ af og til. Yfirlit:
1984- Einkum námskeið í íslensku sem öðru máli (málnotkun og framburði).
1990- Einkum námskeið í íslenskuskor í hljóðfræði og hljóðkerfisfræði, sögulegri hljóðkerfisfræði og hagnýtri málnotkun.
2000- Einkum námskeið um málnotkun og félagsmálfræði.
// Part time university teacher, University of Iceland, on and off, as follows:
1984- Mostly courses at the programme for Icelandic as a second language (language use & pronunciation)
1990- Mostly courses at the department of Icelandic, on Icelandic phonetics and phonology, historical phonology, and applied linguistics
2000- Mostly courses at the department of Icelandic, on language use and sociolinguistics
1982-1987 Lausráðinn við ýmis málfræðistörf:
1982: Orðabók Háskólans
1983-1984: Máltölvun Baldurs Jónssonar, undirbúningur samheitaorðabókar
1987: Íslensk málstöð, undirbúningur réttritunarorðabókar
// Temporary assistant at different linguistic projects, as follows:
1982: University of Iceland Lexicography Project
1983-1984: Jónsson's Linguistic Computing Project & Dictionary of Synonyms
1987: The Icelandic Language Institute & Orthographic Dictionary
Ýmis trúnaðarstörf.
Meðal annars þessi:
2024- Í framkvæmdastjórn EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language)
2021- Annar tveggja verkefnisstjóra árlegu evrópsku verðlaunasamkeppninnar MTA (Master Thesis Awards) á vegum EFNIL
2013–2015 Formaður Íslenska málfræðifélagsins
2011–2015 Varaformaður Málnefndar um íslenskt táknmál
2008- Prófdómari í íslensku sem öðru máli við HÍ
2002- Í fjölda prófnefnda dómsmálaráðuneytis vegna löggildingar fyrir skjalaþýðendur
2000–2006 Í stjórn Nordens institut i Finland [formaður 2003–2004]
1998–2011 Norrænn ritari Íslenskrar málnefndar
1998–2006 Formaður örnefnanefndar
1995–1997 Formaður Íslenska málfræðifélagsins
// Various commissions of trust.
Among other things the following:
2021- One of two project managers of the annual European Master Thesis Awards competition, under the aegis of The European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL)
2013–2015 Chairman of the Icelandic Linguistics Society
2011–2015 Vice Chairman of the Icelandic Sign Language Council
2008- External examiner at the programme for Icelandic as a second language at University of Iceland
2002- External examiner in tests for prospective certified translators and interpreters
2000–2006 Board member at the Nordic Institute in Finland (Nifin) [Chairman 2003–2004]
1998–2011 Nordic Secretary for the Icelandic Language Council
1998–2006 Chairman of the Icelandic Place Names Council
1995–1997 Chairman of the Icelandic Linguistics Society
Gestafræðimaður við University of York 2007 og við Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2011-2012.
// Visiting researcher at the University of York, England, in 2007, and at the Humboldt University in Berlin, in 2011-2012.
Doktorspróf (Ph.D.) í íslenskri málfræði 2009
// PhD, Icelandic Linguistics (2009)
Cand. mag. í íslenskri málfræði 1987
// Cand. mag. (MA), Icelandic Linguistics (1987)
Uppeldis- og kennslufræði til kennsluréttinda 1987
// Pedagogy and Educational Theory Certificate (1987)
BA í íslensku og almennum málvísindum 1982
// BA, Icelandic and General Linguistics (1982)
Annað nám, m.a. eftirfarandi:
// Other studies, among other things as follows:
Námskeiðin // Courses in:
"Historical Sociolinguistics" (Prof. J.K. Chambers), "Language and Community" (Prof. Nathalie Schilling-Estes), "Language and Culture" (Prof. David Dwyer), "Corpus Linguistics" (Prof. Douglas Biber & Randi Reppen).
Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Michigan, 2003
Námskeiðin // Courses in:
"Nyare lingvistisk teori" (Prof. Jan Terje Faarlund), "Språkkontakt" (Prof. Unn Røyneland), "Diskursanalyse" (Elisabeth Ringdal), "Leksikografi" (Prof. Lars S. Vikør et al.).
Universitetet i Oslo, 1999.
Ýmis stjórnunarnámskeið, m.a. námskeið fyrir stjórnendur um starfsmannasamtöl (1998), um frammistöðumat í stofnunum og fyrirtækjum (1998), um stjórnun starfsmannamála (2003), um samstarf og samvinnu (2003), um hvatningu og matskerfi (2003), um stjórnsýslulög og upplýsingalög (2003).
Námskeið í finnsku, Vaasa-háskóla (2004).
// PhD, Icelandic Linguistics (2009)
Cand. mag. í íslenskri málfræði 1987
// Cand. mag. (MA), Icelandic Linguistics (1987)
Uppeldis- og kennslufræði til kennsluréttinda 1987
// Pedagogy and Educational Theory Certificate (1987)
BA í íslensku og almennum málvísindum 1982
// BA, Icelandic and General Linguistics (1982)
Annað nám, m.a. eftirfarandi:
// Other studies, among other things as follows:
Námskeiðin // Courses in:
"Historical Sociolinguistics" (Prof. J.K. Chambers), "Language and Community" (Prof. Nathalie Schilling-Estes), "Language and Culture" (Prof. David Dwyer), "Corpus Linguistics" (Prof. Douglas Biber & Randi Reppen).
Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Michigan, 2003
Námskeiðin // Courses in:
"Nyare lingvistisk teori" (Prof. Jan Terje Faarlund), "Språkkontakt" (Prof. Unn Røyneland), "Diskursanalyse" (Elisabeth Ringdal), "Leksikografi" (Prof. Lars S. Vikør et al.).
Universitetet i Oslo, 1999.
Ýmis stjórnunarnámskeið, m.a. námskeið fyrir stjórnendur um starfsmannasamtöl (1998), um frammistöðumat í stofnunum og fyrirtækjum (1998), um stjórnun starfsmannamála (2003), um samstarf og samvinnu (2003), um hvatningu og matskerfi (2003), um stjórnsýslulög og upplýsingalög (2003).
Námskeið í finnsku, Vaasa-háskóla (2004).
1. Kristinsson's most recent project concerns the nature of prescriptivism, the interplay between description and prescription in linguistics, and the deconstructing of the prevailing descriptivist-prescriptivist binary (cf. Kristinsson 2023, 2021).
2. A good many publications by Kristinsson report on his investigations into language policy and planning, language ideologies, and language situation and practices. Kristinsson has largely adopted Spolsky's (2004) theoretical principles, adhering to the general approach that language policy is made up of three interrelated, yet independent, components, i.e., language practices, beliefs/ideologies, and planning. Cf., e.g., Kristinsson (2022a,b, 2021a, 2020, 2019a, 2018a,b, 2017a, 2016b, 2014a,b, 2013a, 2012c, 2010a, 2007); Kristinsson & Árnason (2024); Kristinsson & Hilmarsson-Dunn (2012); Hilmarsson-Dunn & Kristinsson (2010, 2013).
3. Styles, and style-shift: Kristinsson's (2009) PhD thesis on language use in spoken media was based on his research into variation in the use of different linguistic features in two different genres of Icelandic radio language. Other projects include research into speaker evaluation of different features of Icelandic language use in different text genres (Kristinsson & Hilmarsson-Dunn 2013, 2015), and style-shifting (Kristinsson 2021).
4. Language choice in the academia and at HEIs. Cf. Kristinsson (2014); Kristinsson & Bernharðsson (2014a, 2014b).
5. Comprehension of legal texts. Cf. Kristinsson et al. (2022, 2018).
2. A good many publications by Kristinsson report on his investigations into language policy and planning, language ideologies, and language situation and practices. Kristinsson has largely adopted Spolsky's (2004) theoretical principles, adhering to the general approach that language policy is made up of three interrelated, yet independent, components, i.e., language practices, beliefs/ideologies, and planning. Cf., e.g., Kristinsson (2022a,b, 2021a, 2020, 2019a, 2018a,b, 2017a, 2016b, 2014a,b, 2013a, 2012c, 2010a, 2007); Kristinsson & Árnason (2024); Kristinsson & Hilmarsson-Dunn (2012); Hilmarsson-Dunn & Kristinsson (2010, 2013).
3. Styles, and style-shift: Kristinsson's (2009) PhD thesis on language use in spoken media was based on his research into variation in the use of different linguistic features in two different genres of Icelandic radio language. Other projects include research into speaker evaluation of different features of Icelandic language use in different text genres (Kristinsson & Hilmarsson-Dunn 2013, 2015), and style-shifting (Kristinsson 2021).
4. Language choice in the academia and at HEIs. Cf. Kristinsson (2014); Kristinsson & Bernharðsson (2014a, 2014b).
5. Comprehension of legal texts. Cf. Kristinsson et al. (2022, 2018).
Fyrri störf
1996–2006 Forstöðumaður Íslenskrar málstöðvar [skipaður 2000–2006, settur 1996–1999]// Director, The Icelandic Language Institute
1993–1996 Málfarsráðunautur Ríkisútvarpsins
// Language consultant, RÚV Icelandic State Broadcasting Service
1990–1992 Sérfræðingur á Íslenskri málstöð [staðgengill forstöðumanns 1991]
// Linguist, Icelandic Language Institute [Deputy director 1991]
1984–1990 Framhaldsskólakennari
// Upper secondary school teacher
1984-2023 Stundakennari við HÍ af og til. Yfirlit:
1984- Einkum námskeið í íslensku sem öðru máli (málnotkun og framburði).
1990- Einkum námskeið í íslenskuskor í hljóðfræði og hljóðkerfisfræði, sögulegri hljóðkerfisfræði og hagnýtri málnotkun.
2000- Einkum námskeið um málnotkun og félagsmálfræði.
// Part time university teacher, University of Iceland, on and off, as follows:
1984- Mostly courses at the programme for Icelandic as a second language (language use & pronunciation)
1990- Mostly courses at the department of Icelandic, on Icelandic phonetics and phonology, historical phonology, and applied linguistics
2000- Mostly courses at the department of Icelandic, on language use and sociolinguistics
1982-1987 Lausráðinn við ýmis málfræðistörf:
1982: Orðabók Háskólans
1983-1984: Máltölvun Baldurs Jónssonar, undirbúningur samheitaorðabókar
1987: Íslensk málstöð, undirbúningur réttritunarorðabókar
// Temporary assistant at different linguistic projects, as follows:
1982: University of Iceland Lexicography Project
1983-1984: Jónsson's Linguistic Computing Project & Dictionary of Synonyms
1987: The Icelandic Language Institute & Orthographic Dictionary
Ýmis trúnaðarstörf.
Meðal annars þessi:
2024- Í framkvæmdastjórn EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language)
2021- Annar tveggja verkefnisstjóra árlegu evrópsku verðlaunasamkeppninnar MTA (Master Thesis Awards) á vegum EFNIL
2013–2015 Formaður Íslenska málfræðifélagsins
2011–2015 Varaformaður Málnefndar um íslenskt táknmál
2008- Prófdómari í íslensku sem öðru máli við HÍ
2002- Í fjölda prófnefnda dómsmálaráðuneytis vegna löggildingar fyrir skjalaþýðendur
2000–2006 Í stjórn Nordens institut i Finland [formaður 2003–2004]
1998–2011 Norrænn ritari Íslenskrar málnefndar
1998–2006 Formaður örnefnanefndar
1995–1997 Formaður Íslenska málfræðifélagsins
// Various commissions of trust.
Among other things the following:
2021- One of two project managers of the annual European Master Thesis Awards competition, under the aegis of The European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL)
2013–2015 Chairman of the Icelandic Linguistics Society
2011–2015 Vice Chairman of the Icelandic Sign Language Council
2008- External examiner at the programme for Icelandic as a second language at University of Iceland
2002- External examiner in tests for prospective certified translators and interpreters
2000–2006 Board member at the Nordic Institute in Finland (Nifin) [Chairman 2003–2004]
1998–2011 Nordic Secretary for the Icelandic Language Council
1998–2006 Chairman of the Icelandic Place Names Council
1995–1997 Chairman of the Icelandic Linguistics Society
Gestafræðimaður við University of York 2007 og við Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2011-2012.
// Visiting researcher at the University of York, England, in 2007, and at the Humboldt University in Berlin, in 2011-2012.
Doktorspróf (Ph.D.) í íslenskri málfræði 2009// PhD, Icelandic Linguistics (2009)
Cand. mag. í íslenskri málfræði 1987
// Cand. mag. (MA), Icelandic Linguistics (1987)
Uppeldis- og kennslufræði til kennsluréttinda 1987
// Pedagogy and Educational Theory Certificate (1987)
BA í íslensku og almennum málvísindum 1982
// BA, Icelandic and General Linguistics (1982)
Annað nám, m.a. eftirfarandi:
// Other studies, among other things as follows:
Námskeiðin // Courses in:
"Historical Sociolinguistics" (Prof. J.K. Chambers), "Language and Community" (Prof. Nathalie Schilling-Estes), "Language and Culture" (Prof. David Dwyer), "Corpus Linguistics" (Prof. Douglas Biber & Randi Reppen).
Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Michigan, 2003
Námskeiðin // Courses in:
"Nyare lingvistisk teori" (Prof. Jan Terje Faarlund), "Språkkontakt" (Prof. Unn Røyneland), "Diskursanalyse" (Elisabeth Ringdal), "Leksikografi" (Prof. Lars S. Vikør et al.).
Universitetet i Oslo, 1999.
Ýmis stjórnunarnámskeið, m.a. námskeið fyrir stjórnendur um starfsmannasamtöl (1998), um frammistöðumat í stofnunum og fyrirtækjum (1998), um stjórnun starfsmannamála (2003), um samstarf og samvinnu (2003), um hvatningu og matskerfi (2003), um stjórnsýslulög og upplýsingalög (2003).
Námskeið í finnsku, Vaasa-háskóla (2004).
1. Kristinsson's most recent project concerns the nature of prescriptivism, the interplay between description and prescription in linguistics, and the deconstructing of the prevailing descriptivist-prescriptivist binary (cf. Kristinsson 2023, 2021).2. A good many publications by Kristinsson report on his investigations into language policy and planning, language ideologies, and language situation and practices. Kristinsson has largely adopted Spolsky's (2004) theoretical principles, adhering to the general approach that language policy is made up of three interrelated, yet independent, components, i.e., language practices, beliefs/ideologies, and planning. Cf., e.g., Kristinsson (2022a,b, 2021a, 2020, 2019a, 2018a,b, 2017a, 2016b, 2014a,b, 2013a, 2012c, 2010a, 2007); Kristinsson & Árnason (2024); Kristinsson & Hilmarsson-Dunn (2012); Hilmarsson-Dunn & Kristinsson (2010, 2013).
3. Styles, and style-shift: Kristinsson's (2009) PhD thesis on language use in spoken media was based on his research into variation in the use of different linguistic features in two different genres of Icelandic radio language. Other projects include research into speaker evaluation of different features of Icelandic language use in different text genres (Kristinsson & Hilmarsson-Dunn 2013, 2015), and style-shifting (Kristinsson 2021).
4. Language choice in the academia and at HEIs. Cf. Kristinsson (2014); Kristinsson & Bernharðsson (2014a, 2014b).
5. Comprehension of legal texts. Cf. Kristinsson et al. (2022, 2018).